- “IMPROVE EQUITY: Implementation of an Innovative Model for Policy Reform towards Obesity preVEntion (IM-EQ)“; Call, “Increasing health equity through promoting healthy diets and physical activity” – ERA4Health, Funded by NCBR under the umbrella of the Partnership Fostering a European Research Area for Health (ERA4Health) (GA no. 101095426 of the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme); 2024-2028; project no. HEALTHEQUITY-035 funding for A. Luszczynska 393,525 EUR, WP4 Lead. Research team: Zofia Szczuka, Natalia Paduszyńska, Ewa Kuliś, Aleksandra Luszczynska. https://www.era4health.eu/apps/fp/detalleproject.php?conexion=2
- “Multimodal engagement and sustainable lifestyle interventions optimizing breast cancer risk reduction supported by artificial intelligence” (MELIORA), funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe, project no. 101136791 (HORIZON-MISS-2023-CANCER-01-02: Enhance primary cancer prevention through sustainable behavioural change); 279 810 EUR; 2023-2027; WP 2 leaders. Leader of the Polish group: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Monika Boberska, Dominika Wietrzykowska, Ewa Kulis, Julia Kuzminska. https://melioraproject.eu https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101136791a
- “Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you” (BETTER4U), funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe, project no. 101080117-2 (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-01-two-stage); 424 500 EUR; 2023-2027, WP 4 leaders. Leader of the Polish group: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Paulina Krzywicka, Zofia Szczuka, Hanna Zaleskiewicz, Anna Kornafel, Jowita Misiakowska.
- “Obesity: Biological, socioCultural, and environmental risk Trajectories” (OBCT), funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe, project no. 101080250-2 (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-01-two-stage); 365 750 EUR; 2023-2027. Leader of Polish group: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Anna Banik, Maria Siwa, Natalia Paduszynska.
- “Intrinsic regulation, physical environment, or policies that restrict mobility? Predictors of physical activity and sedentary behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic“, project number 2021/43/O/HS6/00712; 117 000 EUR; 2022-2026; funded by the National Science Centre; Principal investigator: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Dominika Wietrzykowska.
- “From niche to mainstream: alternative proteins for everybody and everywhere (Like-A-Pro)”; funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe, project no. 10108396 (HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-0); 373 000 EUR; 2022-2026. Leader of Polish group: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Hanna Zaleskiewicz, Maria Siwa, Ewa Kulis, Anna Kornafel, Jowita Misiakowska, Zofia Szczuka.
Past Research Projects
- “Health behavior change during COVID-19 pandemic: the focus on handwashing”; funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, 65000 EUR, 2020-2021. Principal investigator: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Zofia Szczuka.
- “CO-CREATE- Confronting obesity: Co-creating policy with youth”; project number: 774210-2; total funds: 9,5 mil EUR, Horizon 2020, call H2020-SFC-2016-2017; SFS-39-2017 Sustainable Food Security; 2018-2024 consortium partner. Leader of the Polish group: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Anna Banik, Monika Boberska, Magdalena Kruk, Ewa Kulis, Zofia Szczuka.
- “Explaining sedentary behavior with revised reflective+impulsive HAPA model”; funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, 350 000 EUR, 2018-2021; Principal investigator: Prof. Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: dr.Paulina Krzywicka, Monika Boberska, Magdalena Kruk, Ewa Kulis, Zofia Szczuka.
- “The Joint Programming Initiative A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” Policy Evaluation Network (JPI HDHL PEN)”; 3,5 mil EUR a project of European Commission’s Joint Programming Initiative; 2018-2020; consortium member and; Leader of the Polish team and co-leader of Workpackage: Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Anna Banik, Karolina Horodyska, Karolina Lobczowska.
- “Enabling or cultivating? How social support and self-efficacy are chain when predicting physical activity “; PRELUDIUM, grant no. 2017/27/N/HS6/00208, funded by the National Science Center of Poland; 2018-2021; Principal investigator: Anna Banik.
- “Psychosocial determinants and consequences of sedentary behaviors”; ETIUDA 6, grant no. 2018/28/T/HS6/00021, funded by the National Science Center of Poland; 2018-2019; Principal investigator: Monika Boberska.
- “Conditions of successful promotion of physical activity and healthy diet: good practices in policies and interventions and perceptions of health-promoting physical environment”; ETIUDA, grant funded by the National Science Center of Poland; 2016-2017; Principal investigator: Karolina Horodyska.
- “Associations between body satisfaction, physical activity, healthy eating and BMI of general sample adolescents: longitudinal study”; MINIATURA, grant no. 2017/01/X/HS6/00620 funded by the National Science Center of Poland; 2017-2018; Principal investigator: Karolina Zarychta.
- “Physical activity and health-related quality of life: dyadic research in the context of forming individual, dyadic, and collaborative plans”; funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, 300 000 EUR; 2015-2019; Principal investigator: Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Karolina Horodyska, Anna Banik, Monika Boberska, Magdalena Kruk, Ewa Kulis, Zofia Szczuka.
- “Effects of implementation intention on sedentary behavior in middle and late adulthood”; grant no. 0012/DIA/2016/45, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland; 2016-2020; Project manager: Zofia Szczuka.
- “The Joint Programming Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” Knowledge Hub on “DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity” (JPI HDHL DEDIPAC Knowledge Hub)”; a project of European Commission’s Joint Programming Initiative; 2013-2016 consortium member; Leader of the Polish team- Aleksandra Luszczynska; research team: Karolina Horodyska; funding obtained for the member’s contribution: 71 000 EUR. https://www.healthydietforhealthylife.eu/sites/hdhl/files/2023-11/DEDIPAC_Final_Report.pdf
- “Psychosocial determinants of changes in diet and children’s weight. The dyadic parent-child research”; ETIUDA, grant no. 2013/08/T/HS6/00837 funded by the National Science Center of Poland; 2013-2014; Principal investigator: Natalia Liszewska.
- “Health behavior in the context of life cycle changes”; Foundation for Polish Science – Master Subsidies; (approx. 90 000 EUR) 2012-2014; Project leader: Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Karolina Horodyska, Anna Banik, Natalia Liszewska, Karolina Zarychta, Anna Januszewicz, Katarzyna Czekierda, Alicja Bukowska.
- “Self-regulation, macro-, and micro-environmental predictors of obesity among children: Testing ANGELO framework in child-parent dyad”; (approx. 100 000 EUR) Funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Education; 2011-2015; Principal investigator: Aleksandra Luszczynska; Research team: Karolina Horodyska, Natalia Liszewska, Alicja Bukowska.